For many people, January is a time for resolutions.  Start with the end in mind.  Yogi Berra said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up someplace else.”  If you made a resolution to improve your financial health for the new year, quantify your goal.  Here are some more tips from Fairway to keep you on track in the new year.

“To achieve a goal, you first need to determine the behavior you need to change.   Then make that change in behavior a habit.  Forming a habit will make the change permanent.”  That’s Dina Leader’s advice.

Brian Tullio says, “Start small and build little habits that work toward your goal/resolution until you eventually scale up to whatever behavior you want to change/adopt.”  He recommends reading Atomic Habits by James Clear –

Along the same lines, Chris Martin stresses process, “Think through your big picture goals, but focus your energy and plans on process rather than obsessing over the outcome.”  Follow the process and the outcome will take care of itself.  That said, set up a process that provides some happiness along the way so you’re not dependent on hitting the big goal to have a fulfilling life.  Enjoy the journey.

Laura Reifschneider updated her estate plan this year, printing off the Ohio Health Care POA and Living Will.  “Especially with COVID and all that’s happening these days, I’d hate for my family to have to work through the details if something happened to me.”

“Prioritize your goals and commit to a plan.” is Franco DiLiberto’s tip.  Automating money movements can help busy people keep to their targets.