Our clients include CEOs, CFOs, business owners, widows, doctors, lawyers, accountants, consultants, retirees, and others.
They are a diverse group in terms of age, lifestyle, and geography, but they do have several things in common.
They have been very successful, but they don’t aspire to being their own money managers.
They have better things to do. Their natural instinct is to make informed decisions and then delegate action, not micro-manage. They are smart and enterprising, but also open to opinion and advice. They are conscientious about how their hard-earned money is spent and invested. They tend to be skeptical of investment fads and complicated sales stories and realize that banks and brokerage firms exist to sell products, not give expert advice. Perhaps most importantly and consistently, they see value in having an independent and trusted adviser who cares not only about their money, but their lifestyle, legacy, and peace of mind as well.
While concentrated in Northeast Ohio, they live across the United States and location is not a barrier to providing the high touch service they deserve.