

Talking Turkey About Active vs Passive

By |December 5th, 2019|

By: Matt Garrott Thanksgiving is a time for turkey, pumpkin spice everything, and – most importantly – reflection on what we are thankful for.  This is also the time of year for the cliché awkward family argument, whether it’s about politics, bitcoin, or jockeying for who [...]

Fairway is Hiring

By |November 15th, 2019|

By: Mark Weiskind Fairway is looking to add to our wealth management staff.  We’re seeking client-focused, career-oriented professionals who want to learn the wealth management business in support of our team of Wealth Managers.  Strong people skills, a passion for helping people, and an accounting and/or [...]

The Beginning of the End?

By |November 4th, 2019|

By: Matt Garrott Saying the market hates uncertainty is cliché because uncertainty is the only constant in the market.  Otherwise there would be no risk and returns would be miniscule.  Lately, though, there have been three sources of outsized uncertainty: US/China trade, Brexit, and the Federal [...]

Skeptical Investing

By |October 4th, 2019|

By: Matt Garrott The S&P 500 is up over 20% through September 30th.  Real estate is up almost 28%.  Even the Barclays Aggregate Bond Index is up over 8%.  Unemployment is incredibly low at 3.7% and wage growth is picking up.  Inflation is tame at under [...]

The Biggest Risk as of August 2019

By |September 5th, 2019|

By: Matt Garrott Midway through August nearly every media outlet posted a RECESSION headline.  Even the Cleveland Plain Dealer ran a front-page story.  The yield curve had inverted (the yield on shorter maturity bonds was higher than longer maturities), leading some to jump to the conclusion [...]

Soylent Rate Cut

By |August 7th, 2019|

By: Matt Garrott With a trade war, the Fed’s rate cut, and election season ramping up (none of the challengers will say anything positive about the economy), you may be forgiven for thinking the investing environment is in shambles.  However, even after the rough past week, [...]


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